I've worked on a number of projects and campaigns for Veg Power over the last year. Several of these projects have included icon designs for use in print, web and social media.
Veg Power
Adobe Illustrator
I art directed a campaign from Veg Power and DreamWorks' Kung Fu Panda to get kids excited about healthier lunchboxes. I designed this set of icons to represent the 5 recommended components - main, fruit, snack, vegetable & water.
A selection of illustrations for the suggested foods in each category.
Veg Power has an established icon style and I was asked to produce a set of new icons to match. Each icon had to be reproduced in 8 colours and 3 file types (EPS, SVG & JPG).
Selected Work
Veg Power x Kung Fu PandaPrint Design
The RSA - UI DesignUI Design
Ecommerce Business Managementecommerce
Icon DesignIcon Design
NSPCC Christmas Wishes CampaignUI Design
Kitchen NinjasPrint Design
Logo DesignLogo & Identity